Saturday, October 6, 2007

Old Forge, NY

According to Snapple Iced Tea Company, New York County (Manhattan) is the smallest county (area) in the United States.


What mountain range recieves more snowfall than anywhere east of the Rockies?


Jim Hedington said...

The answer is North Cascade Mountains.

In the North Cascade Mountains, rising to an elevation 10,778 feet (Washington second largest peak), sits glorious Mt. Baker. Back in 1998-99 winter season Mt. Baker set the United States record of the most snow fall in a single season at 1,140 inches.

Unknown said...

Your lastest pictures are amazing! Can't wait to see all the rest. So happy you are getting a nature color show. It is so hot and dry here, I'm afraid leaves will turn and drop immediately.
Awesome VT soccer match last night (3-3 against Wake). Great entertainment.

Unknown said...

Hi Guys
It is Paul from ECH. I have finally gotten over an infection, so now I can catch up on your site. I love the pictures, videos, & comments. I am honored to make your acquaintance. Thank you for all of your kind words about our home. Will e-mail soon. My guess to your list trivia question would be Catskills or Adirondacks

Unknown said...

I think it is the Adirondacks. Hope you all are doing well! A BIG HELLO TO DEVO FROM ALL YOUR FAMILY.

Jim Hedington said...

Hey Guys - I read the question incorrectly yesterday. Serves me right answering it so early. We attended your kick off party and have a good friend from the group "Action Item." Good luck on the rest of your trip.