Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Partners MS Center

Our trip came to a triumphant finale yesterday as we had the pleasure of meeting the kind folks at Partners MS Center in Boston. They had lunch waiting for us and gave us a tour of the Multiple Sclerosis research labs. To actually see the research projects and meet the researchers made it very clear to us that we biked for a noble cause and that our efforts will make a real difference. We also had the opportunity to meet the doctors and nurses at the MS clinic and see the treatment and patient-care aspect of the center, and it certainly seems as if the patients are in good hands. It was humbling to be in the company of people who make a tangible difference in people's lives everyday, especially since they were thanking us- we felt as if it should be the other way around. It was a special day for all of us and one we will not soon forget, and we feel like we made the right decision in choosing Partners MS Center to receive our contributions. Thanks to Bill Florentino for being our point man in Boston, and to Dr. Weiner and all the people at the center for taking the time out of their busy schedules to meet us.

Boston is nuts. None of us have ever experienced such extreme chaos. I think it must have started in colonial times before the modern practice of street grids. The sidewalks are packed with ambitious people and the roads are literally lawless. Honking is something I forgot about until I came to Boston. We've enjoyed our stay but are reminded of the tranquility in small towns all across the country.

Our 4,300 mile journey is over but we still have a lot of work to do and will continue to raise money and awareness for Multiple Sclerosis research at Partners MS Center. Thanks for following our trip and stay tuned for more pictures and webisodes.

Trivia Question:

Who is Karl's future wife?


Unknown said...

Well boys, I can only say what everyone else has also said...congratulations on a job well done. The process of following your trip across the northern US was amazing so I can only imagine how the ACTUAL ride felt.

Enjoy Boston. It's nothing like home but it has some charm and history.

As for Karl's future wife...I feel like it was someone fairly early in your trip...Eastern side of Washington maybe. I would have to fnd the blog but in Karl's words "A gentleman never kisses and tells" -- I think that was it.

Peace and love.

bob said...

congrats! that is fantastic!

jim said...

Way to go guys. I'm glad the finale was so great! Job well done!!!!!

Sharon said...

I don't remember karl ever saying her name but I thought he said she is in Colville. Tell me I'm right, my son wants a shirt. I have loved reading your blog. Hopefully you will keep it going for all the other things you guys will do for MS. Coming from someone who has MS, I appreciate all you guys have done.

Sharon & Mitchell

Unknown said...

A heartfelt congratulations to all of you. You did it, and as you said before, you did it without burning a drop of gasoline. Not only that but you've personified the first lyric of my song, Reality. "It's not about us or the things that we control, it's about the difference we make in other lives. That's reality." Outstanding job, guys.


kelly said...

I am so glad to have met you all. You are truly an inspiration. I have incorporated your journey into my classroom. I have taught my students that if you have a dream you can achieve it. I have gone into detail of your journey by showing your pictures and reading your blogs to my class, they were amazed by the pictures. I want to thank you for stopping in Damariscotta, Maine and enhancing our lives.
I believe that Karl's future wife is in Colville. I believe the quote was " I'm a gentleman, but oh yeah!!" I think that Mason believes that one of the Hutterite woman may have been the better choice though,Karl!! Thanks for allowing everyone to follow your incredible adventure.
Good luck in all of your endeavors.